EMB-Registered Consulting Firms for EIA Report Preparation in the Philippines
We are now officially enlisted in the Environmental Management Bureau's roster of registered Environmental Impact Assessment Reporting Firms!
Important Guidelines on EPEP and FMR/DP: Navigating Key Laws and Regulations for Power and Mining Companies in the Philippines
In Bullet Points: What is EPEP and FMR/DP? What Are the Key Challenges Faced by the Mining Industry in the Philippines? How Do the MGB’s Guidelines Address These Challenges? How to Develop an FMR/DP for Your Mining Site Stages and Requirements of Mining Operation and Post-Mine Closure When it comes to mining operations, the importance of sustainable practices cannot be overstated. As power and mining companies navigate the complexities of their operations, understanding how to implement an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (EPEP) and Final Mine Rehabilitation and/or Decommissioning Plan (FMR/DP) is crucial. These programs are not just regulatory requirements; they […]
Hydrological Modeling and Flood Studies: Experts’ Comprehensive Guide to Flood Risk Mitigation, with Global References
Flooding is a natural phenomenon that has significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. It is one of the most devastating natural hazards, causing extensive damage to property and infrastructure, loss of life, and disruption of essential services. In recent years, the frequency and intensity of floods have increased due to climate change, urbanization, and deforestation. Therefore, it is essential to adopt proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with floods. This comprehensive guide will delve into the critical aspects of hydrological modeling and flood studies, including flood risk assessments, identification of flood-prone areas, and recommendations for flood mitigation. We will […]
Flood Risk, Wind & Sun: Crucial Factors in Renewable Energy Planning
The world is moving more and more towards renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy. However, before any construction starts, a detailed evaluation of the topography and environmental considerations is crucial to the projects’ sustainability and success. This guide will explore the important factors that renewable energy investors and project managers need to think about before breaking ground. Assessing the Wind Turbine Area for Flood Risk Wind turbines, while being a significant source of clean energy, can be vulnerable to flood risks, especially in coastal regions or areas prone to heavy rainfall. A flood risk assessment is therefore crucial […]
Philippines SDG Watch 2023: Measuring Progress and Charting the Course for a Sustainable Future
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? During the celebration of its seventieth anniversary on September 2015, the member states of the United Nations decided on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the new global plan of action. This built on the more focused Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and was intended to include all countries and all aspects that the framework of the MDGs fell short in, like environmental sustainability and social inequalities, to name a few. The SDGs were formally declared in the document entitled “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” or simply the 2030 […]
ESG and Sustainability Reporting in the Philippines
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting is becoming increasingly important in the Philippines as companies recognize the value of sustainability and responsible business practices. The country is committed to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which require businesses to play a role in addressing environmental and social challenges. As of 2023, all Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs) in the Philippines that have a public float of at least 50% are already required to comply with and submit their annual ESG reports, following the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2019, in line with Global Reporting […]
Environmental Impact Assessments Conducted by GreenDev Solutions
Solar Power Project in Isabela Solar Valley Energy Solutions Incorporated To produce an EIS, a requirement of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), and secure an ECC from the same office. Moreover, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) consistent with Philippines DENR requirements, IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank’s Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS) was also considered with this proposal. Offshore Exploration and Seabed Quarrying Sands Mining & Development Corporation To conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study, preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Report and Acquisition of Environmental […]
What You Need to Know About the Extended Producer Responsibility EPR Law of the Philippines
The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law of the Philippines, or Republic Act No. 11898, was signed into law on July 23, 2022. The law requires large enterprises, or businesses with total assets worth more than ₱100 million, to participate in EPR, which is an environmental policy approach that encourages plastic waste reduction through the elimination of unnecessary plastic packaging of products, the development of more environmentally friendly and recyclable packaging design, and the recovery of plastic packaging from the trash in order to reuse them. Summary of EPR by GreenDev Solutions Under the EPR Law, obliged enterprises are required to: Establish […]
Climate Change in the Philippines; Status and Solutions
The Philippines, an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia, known for its beautiful beaches, diverse wildlife, and rich culture. However, it is also one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. With its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire and the typhoon belt, the country is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, and landslides. In recent years, the effects of climate change in the Philippines have become increasingly apparent, with more frequent and intense weather events causing significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. The country has experienced several extreme weather events in the […]
List of Environmental Studies, Consulting and Management Services
EIA is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse.
How to Get an ECC from DENR
The Department of Natural Resources (DENR), through its Environment Management Bureau (EMB) and local offices, is the lead agency that handles and implements the PEISS. All projects that pose some level of potential significant impact to the environment are required by the PEISS to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). Otherwise, the project shall be issued a Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC). The Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD) of the EMB Central and Regional Offices is in-charge of processing applications for ECC and CNC as well as post-ECC monitoring.
Process Mapping Workshop
HABIT 7- SHARPEN THE SAW “Geoff Colvin writes: In some fields, especially intellectual ones such as arts, sciences, and business, people may eventually become skilled enough to design their own practice. But anyone who thinks they’ve outgrown the benefits of a teacher’s help should at least question that view. There’s a reason why the world’s best golfers still go to teachers.” that’s why we still keep on learning.. and we have coaches! we can’t just learn and learn from our mistakes