Your Definitive Guide to Environmental Impact Assessments in the Philippines
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) play a crucial role in ensuring sustainable development and environmental protection in the Philippines. This guide aims to provide an overview of the EIA process in the country, including its definition, legal framework, key stages, requirements, samples, FAQs and other key information. Additionally, it will offer insights on preparing for environmental compliance audits to ensure adherence to environmental regulations. What is an EIA? An EIA is a process that identifies, predicts, and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project or activity. It is a tool for decision-makers to identify potential environmental impacts of proposed […]
What You Need to Know About the Extended Producer Responsibility EPR Law of the Philippines
The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law of the Philippines, or Republic Act No. 11898, was signed into law on July 23, 2022. The law requires large enterprises, or businesses with total assets worth more than ₱100 million, to participate in EPR, which is an environmental policy approach that encourages plastic waste reduction through the elimination of unnecessary plastic packaging of products, the development of more environmentally friendly and recyclable packaging design, and the recovery of plastic packaging from the trash in order to reuse them. Summary of EPR by GreenDev Solutions Under the EPR Law, obliged enterprises are required to: Establish […]
Climate Change in the Philippines; Status and Solutions
The Philippines, an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia, known for its beautiful beaches, diverse wildlife, and rich culture. However, it is also one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. With its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire and the typhoon belt, the country is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, and landslides. In recent years, the effects of climate change in the Philippines have become increasingly apparent, with more frequent and intense weather events causing significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. The country has experienced several extreme weather events in the […]
What to do with a Major Oil Spill: Strategies and 8 Expert Solutions
How to Create an Oil Spill Response Plan Oil spills in the ocean can have catastrophic effects on marine ecosystems and the environment as a whole. Specifically within the Philippines, there have been around 10 major oil spills since the turn of the millennium, and while we all hope that the list will end there, we know for a fact that the risk will always be there. As an environmental consulting and engineering firm, we see and know that effective oil spill response planning is crucial for mitigating all the adverse effects and minimizing the damages they bring. In this guide, we […]
Best Practices in the Conduct of Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys
Topographic and bathymetric surveys are crucial in several areas, including environmental management, urban planning, construction, and marine navigation. Topographic surveys involve measuring and mapping the physical features and contours of the land, while bathymetric surveys focus on measuring and mapping the depth and topography of the seafloor or underwater structures. To conduct accurate topographic and bathymetric surveys, it is essential to follow specific best practices. This article outlines the best practices in conducting topographic and bathymetric surveys. 1. Planning The first step in conducting topographic and bathymetric surveys is proper planning. Planning helps to ensure that the survey is carried […]
Complete List of Environmental Studies and Consulting Services
Know more about the services of a full-stack environmental engineering firm including feasibility & geotechnical studies, survey, modeling and design.
List of Required Environmental Permits and Certificates of Compliance in the Philippines
This article provides a short description and background for every type of government permit, compliance and certification program, in order to guide you towards identifying the right ones for your project.
25 Free Online Tools & Resources for Environmental Engineers, Project Owners & Sustainability Advocates
As dynamic environmental consultants and engineers, we are always on the lookout for interactive online tools, lists, apps and resources that can help us and our clients work more efficiently and with greater accuracy. We thought of sharing these great finds with you so that we may all benefit from these freely available online tools and resources for environmental engineers and project owners. We highly encourage you to pay it forward by sharing this page to your colleagues at work who are handling infrastructure projects that may need any of these. As they say, #SharingIsCaring! Let’s get started! 1. Solar […]
How to Choose the Right Environmental Consultant
Be ready with your project brief As with any project, before you get to choose the right supplier, you will have to be clear first on what you really need. Before seeking out potential environmental consultants, it is best to have your project brief ready first. At its very basic form, your project brief should have bullet points on what document, process or infrastructure are you planning to build, when do you need it done by (timeline), how much are you willing to spend for it (budget) and how would you like your chosen environmental consultant to help you (deliverables). […]
How to Get an ECC from DENR
The Department of Natural Resources (DENR), through its Environment Management Bureau (EMB) and local offices, is the lead agency that handles and implements the PEISS. All projects that pose some level of potential significant impact to the environment are required by the PEISS to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). Otherwise, the project shall be issued a Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC). The Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD) of the EMB Central and Regional Offices is in-charge of processing applications for ECC and CNC as well as post-ECC monitoring.
The Definitive Guide to Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in the Philippines
The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) defines solid waste management as “the discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes.” The same policy mandates the establishment of solid waste management (SWM) plans and sets the guidelines for solid waste-related activities such as collection, transport, and disposal. On the other hand, regulatory measures on hazardous wastes or substances which pose threats to human and/or environmental health as well as the risk of disasters like fires or explosions, are covered under the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear […]
Complete List of all Environmental Permits in the Philippines and Where to Get Them [2024]
What environment-related permits do you need to secure for your infrastructure projects in the Philippines? Permits Issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Compliance Certificate Certificate of Non-Coverage Air Quality Management Permits Permit to Operate Air Certificate of Conformity Hazardous Waste Management Permit Hazwaste Manifest System Importation Clearance Water Quality Management Permits Wastewater Discharge Permit Self-Monitoring Report Permits Issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Small Scale Mining Application for Small Scale Mining Permit to Contract and Dispose of Mineral Resources […]