Thank you, Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association!
Welcome to all the delegates of the 68th Annual National Mine Safety & Environment Conference - ANMSEC! #TeamGreenDev will be happy to meet you at Booth 33A inside the exhibit area of CAP John Hay Trade & Cultural Center right here in the middle of the beautiful city of Pines!
List of Environmental Studies, Consulting and Management Services
EIA is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse.
How to Provide Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) for Environmental Engineers
First, conduct a needs and risk assessment for your project workers, then provide necessary training and PPE, and finally communicate your full occupational safety and health management plan for your engineers and fieldworkers.
List of ISO Consulting and Training Services
Know which ISO certification is right for your company based on your industry and specific core departments.
Complete List of Environmental Studies and Consulting Services
Know more about the services of a full-stack environmental engineering firm including feasibility & geotechnical studies, survey, modeling and design.
List of Required Environmental Permits and Certificates of Compliance in the Philippines
This article provides a short description and background for every type of government permit, compliance and certification program, in order to guide you towards identifying the right ones for your project.
25 Free Online Tools & Resources for Environmental Engineers, Project Owners & Sustainability Advocates
As dynamic environmental consultants and engineers, we are always on the lookout for interactive online tools, lists, apps and resources that can help us and our clients work more efficiently and with greater accuracy. We thought of sharing these great finds with you so that we may all benefit from these freely available online tools and resources for environmental engineers and project owners. We highly encourage you to pay it forward by sharing this page to your colleagues at work who are handling infrastructure projects that may need any of these. As they say, #SharingIsCaring! Let’s get started! 1. Solar […]
How to Choose the Right Environmental Consultant
Be ready with your project brief As with any project, before you get to choose the right supplier, you will have to be clear first on what you really need. Before seeking out potential environmental consultants, it is best to have your project brief ready first. At its very basic form, your project brief should have bullet points on what document, process or infrastructure are you planning to build, when do you need it done by (timeline), how much are you willing to spend for it (budget) and how would you like your chosen environmental consultant to help you (deliverables). […]
Complete List of all Environmental Laws and Policies in the Philippines
Philippine environment laws as enlisted and summarized by the top environmental consultancy and engineering firm in the Philippines.
How to Get an ECC from DENR
The Department of Natural Resources (DENR), through its Environment Management Bureau (EMB) and local offices, is the lead agency that handles and implements the PEISS. All projects that pose some level of potential significant impact to the environment are required by the PEISS to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). Otherwise, the project shall be issued a Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC). The Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD) of the EMB Central and Regional Offices is in-charge of processing applications for ECC and CNC as well as post-ECC monitoring.
The Definitive Guide to Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in the Philippines
The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) defines solid waste management as “the discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes.” The same policy mandates the establishment of solid waste management (SWM) plans and sets the guidelines for solid waste-related activities such as collection, transport, and disposal. On the other hand, regulatory measures on hazardous wastes or substances which pose threats to human and/or environmental health as well as the risk of disasters like fires or explosions, are covered under the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear […]