Hydrological Modeling and Flood Studies: Experts’ Comprehensive Guide to Flood Risk Mitigation, with Global References
Flooding is a natural phenomenon that has significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. It is one of the most devastating natural hazards, causing extensive damage to property and infrastructure, loss of life, and disruption of essential services. In recent years, the frequency and intensity of floods have increased due to climate change, urbanization, and deforestation. Therefore, it is essential to adopt proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with floods. This comprehensive guide will delve into the critical aspects of hydrological modeling and flood studies, including flood risk assessments, identification of flood-prone areas, and recommendations for flood mitigation. We will […]
Flood Risk, Wind & Sun: Crucial Factors in Renewable Energy Planning
The world is moving more and more towards renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy. However, before any construction starts, a detailed evaluation of the topography and environmental considerations is crucial to the projects’ sustainability and success. This guide will explore the important factors that renewable energy investors and project managers need to think about before breaking ground. Assessing the Wind Turbine Area for Flood Risk Wind turbines, while being a significant source of clean energy, can be vulnerable to flood risks, especially in coastal regions or areas prone to heavy rainfall. A flood risk assessment is therefore crucial […]
DENR Directory of Offices and Bureaus [Updated 2024]
Find the name, office and contact number of the specific DENR office that you are looking for, from right here.
Philippines’ EPR Act of 2022: A Catalyst for Corporate Responsibility and a Sustainable Future
There has always been a debate as to who should be held accountable for the insurmountable amount of plastic waste in the country. Usually, the blame is heavily placed on people who use and purchase plastic bags or other plastic products. It is presumed that those people who incorporate such practice to their lifestyles contribute highly to pollution and degrading environmental conditions– but a different perspective arises when one examines why people purchase such products. For example, products in sachets are often purchased by people because these are more affordable as compared to most of the “eco-friendly” products available in […]
The Eco-Traveler’s Guide to the Philippines: Responsible Tourism Practices & Related Laws
Responsible Tourism Defined & Demonstrated Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient Seas, boasts over 7,000 islands adorned with pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant coral reefs. This natural splendor lures millions of local and international visitors each year, contributing significantly to the economy. However, this influx of tourism, especially during peak seasons like summer, has also placed a heavy strain on the environment. While tourism certainly boosts local economy, we also ought to balance it with preservation. That’s where the term “Responsible tourism” comes in– which isn’t just a catchphrase but a way of life for those who seek to […]
Complete List and Table of Environmental Permits for every type of Small Business and mSME in the Philippines
The poem “Shoulders” by Shane Koyczan has garnered over two million views on YouTube within a span of nine years. It stands as a poignant piece created under the Blue Dot Movement, aiming to raise environmental awareness by emphasizing the current crisis we face. Shane metaphorically urges humans to emulate rain, where each drop bears equal responsibility in nurturing the earth. While this notion appears idealistic, it prompts critical questions regarding its practicality, particularly considering disparities in individuals’ capacities to shoulder equal responsibilities. As the poem puts it, it is not the word “crisis” that evokes fear, but rather the word […]
Embarking on an Offshore Wind (OSW) Energy Project in the Philippines? Here’s what you need to know according to the latest DENR Guideline
The Philippines, known for its stunning coastlines and rich marine biodiversity, is embarking on a journey toward sustainable energy solutions. With the issuance of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Administrative Order (DAO2024-02), the country is gearing up to harness the power of offshore wind energy (OSW) while safeguarding its precious ecosystems. DAO2024-02 underscores the importance of promoting economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability through the development of offshore wind energy projects. Recognizing the potential of OSW to contribute to a low-carbon future, the government aims to tap into the country’s vast offshore wind resources estimated at […]
Philippines SDG Watch 2023: Measuring Progress and Charting the Course for a Sustainable Future
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? During the celebration of its seventieth anniversary on September 2015, the member states of the United Nations decided on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the new global plan of action. This built on the more focused Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and was intended to include all countries and all aspects that the framework of the MDGs fell short in, like environmental sustainability and social inequalities, to name a few. The SDGs were formally declared in the document entitled “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” or simply the 2030 […]
Common Misconceptions About the Mining Industry in the Philippines
Mining frequently carries a negative connotation due to its association with the exploitation of natural resources. However, if we consider the objects surrounding us, it becomes evident that nearly everything is connected to minerals produced through mining activities. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the Philippines is endowed with abundant mineral resources, including gold, silver, copper, and more. This suggests that the mining industry has the potential to make a significant contribution to the country’s economy. Despite this, the industry is often the subject of debate due to concerns over the continuous depletion of natural resources. Therefore, there is a […]
10 Key Points from each of the 3 Main Mining Laws in the Philippines
First, there is the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (RA 7942), which lays down the ground rules for mining activities in the country, covering everything from exploration to conservation of mineral resources. It’s essentially the playbook to ensure that mining operations benefit everyone while safeguarding the environment. This law encompasses all the requirements an entity needs to fulfill in order to acquire mining rights, as well as the legal and mineral agreements. 10 key points from the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (RA 7942): State Ownership of Minerals: All mineral resources in public and private lands within the Philippines are […]
Your Handbook for Environmental Compliance in PH: How to Navigate the National Building Code and the Philippine Green Building Code [2024]
The Philippines has experienced an increase in building projects and urban growth in recent years. As the nation progresses, so does the need for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in the construction industry. As a result, frameworks for regulations have been established to direct engineers, architects, and building owners toward the construction of environmentally sustainable structures. In this handbook and comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects of the National Building Code (NBC) of the Philippines and its complement, the Philippine Green Building Code (PGBC). Understanding these documents is essential for businesses and property owners looking to prioritize environmental […]
Best Practices in Responsible Mining, with 5 Examples from Asia
The global economy depends heavily on the vital industry of mining for growth and development. It does, however, have significant negative effects on the environment and society. The objective of responsible mining is to reduce these adverse consequences while maintaining the sustainable production of precious minerals. With an emphasis on outstanding mining locations in Asia, we will examine the greatest practices in ethical mining in this article. Photo Source: Inquirer.net Responsible mining encompasses a set of principles and practices aimed at minimizing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of mining operations. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable resource extraction, community […]